
NID Publishing House recommends: “Modern Technologies in Heritage Documentation”

How to create a comprehensive, reliable, objective digital inventory documentation of cultural property? How to properly use modern technology, which offers such extraordinary opportunities? With the help of which tools and how to take field measurements, how to process, archive, and present the field data? The answers to these and many other questions in the field of digital monument documentation can be found in the latest publication of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage by Karol Czajkowski.

The development of digital technologies, the increasing availability of equipment – drones, scanners, cameras – as well as software and funds for the digitisation of monuments allow for better and more accurate digitisation. Still, a coherent scheme was missing for acquiring, processing, and publishing data and guidelines, as a minimum addressing the minimum resolution, data quality, or the recording format.

This publication provides a framework for the digitisation of cultural properties and guidelines, a description of the basic parameters for the processing of measurement data, and the methodology for their completion. Karol Czajkowski, an expert and experienced specialist of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage, encourages exercising reliability and following procedures:

Digital documentation is a costly process, sometimes possible only once in the history of a site. It is worth being aware that what is left out on the ground may be lost forever.

The publication can be downloaded free of charge at:

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